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Tuesday 17 January 2017

Tuesday 10 January 2017

11 Tricks to Actually Help You Fall Asleep


This may have popped up on your Facebook feed a couple of times — and you scrolled right past it, because pug photos! But this breathing technique created by Andrew Weil, M.D., a Harvard-trained doctor with a focus on holistic health, has serious pass-out-in-bed cred.
To give it a try: Breathe in deeply through your nose for four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale through your mouth for eight seconds. Repeat as needed (although rumor has it, you won't last for more than 60 seconds before dozing off).

5 Scary Things That Happen When You Sit All Day

1. You can say good-bye to good cholesterol after just two hours of sitting. Just like a light switch, electrical activity flips off the moment your butt hits the chair. "Calorie burning is significantly reduced and lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that assists with the breakdown of fat, dramatically and rapidly drops," says Dominique Wakefield, a Michigan-based health and fitness expert for the American Council on Exercise (ACE). That enzyme also plays a role in changing low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) to high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol). Sitting for eight or more hours a day — a pretty standard amount of time for people who work desk jobs! — decreases the enzyme's ability to convert bad to good by 95 percent, scientists at the Ohio State University have found.

6 Secrets to Getting Longer, Stronger Hair

1. Eat this mane menu. Foods rich in biotin, a B-complex vitamin, are ­essential for promoting hair growth, says derm Mona Gohara, MD. Incorporate a palm-size serving (it’s in ­almonds, eggs, and avocado) thrice daily. Also important: iron, which ­oxygenates ­follicles (eat it at each meal; oatmeal, spinach, and ­hummus are chock-full), and daily servings of protein (chicken, fish, beans), hair’s main building block.
2. Do a deep cleaning. Buildup of excess oil, dead skin cells, and product can create ­inflammation, causing follicles to weaken, says Dr. Gohara. Loosen it once or twice a week with a scalp-specific ­exfoliant, focusing on the hairline as well as the back of the scalp, where buildup tends to be heaviest, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical ­research in dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. If dandruff is contributing to the inflammation, wash hair daily with a zinc ­pyrithione shampoo and conditioner 
3. Give your scalp love. A five-minute head massage, which promotes circulation, can deliver oxygen and nutrients that stimulate hairs’ stem cells for more rapid hair growth, says Neil Sadick, MD, a clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College.

4. Pop some pills. Viviscal, a twice-daily supplement rich in biotin and a marine extract, can promote hair growth and density, says Dr. Zeich­ner. Derms are also keeping an eye on Nutrafol, which increases blood flow to the scalp and ­decreases inflammation, says Dr. Sadick.

5. Get lit up. Red-light therapy, long known for its antiaging benefits (it increases collagen production), is also great at stimulating circulation — key for hair growth. It offers anti-inflammatory, follicle-enhancing benefits as well, says Dr. Zeichner. Try it at the dermatologist’s office or at home with a laser comb (HairMax Prima 7 LaserComb, $199, hairmax.com, has been FDA-cleared to treat hair loss) — run it through strands Marcia Brady–style for 15 minutes, three times a week.
6. Thwart thinning. Thanks to heredity, high ­levels of stress, or hormonal shifts (like post-baby), thinning can start as early as your 30s. “We recommend Rogaine in these cases,” says Dr. Zeichner. Its key ­ingredient, minoxidil, is the only FDA-approved topical to resprout strands, which it does by reactivating and ­increasing the size of dormant follicles. Massage in daily, and in three months, you may see up to 25 percent more hair.


Friday 6 January 2017

How to Improve Your Skin Tone Naturally

How to Improve Your Skin Tone Naturally
Call it a professional hazard, but being a beauty expert it comes as a habit to inspect everyone's skin or hair every time I step out. It is almost unavoidable. I have seen a few women with flawless complexion
that makes them score full marks but I have also come across many with the most disastrous skin. My question is why not make the little effort that's needed to let your skin breathe? You will be surprised to find how your skin can transform from dull to glowing and flawless.
Today, let's take a look at how to achieve that glowing complexion and improve your skin tone. Here are four tips -

Dos and Don’ts for Beautiful Skin

1. The Golden Rule

Do: Make sure you always (and we mean always) remove your makeup before hitting the sheets. The skin needs to breathe overnight. And makeup prevents that, as leaving it on overnight clogs the pores which may cause blemishes and/or blackheads. Don’t possess a makeup remover? Just put some olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of the makeup and dirt.
Don’t: Forget that exfoliation is indispensable. At least once or twice a week, exfoliate your skin to remove the layers of dead skin, sure to leave you with a more healthy glow and brighter skin. You can also apply a paste of walnut in powder form with yogurt to exfoliate your skin, as the antioxidants present in walnuts help remove dirt and promote radiant skin.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)

Application opens: January 1
Application Closes: April 30
The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Abuja invites applications from qualified Nigerians wishing to teach Hausa or Yoruba languages and cultures to American students in U.S. universities and colleges.
The Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program is a nine month non-degree course funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Institute of International Education. The objective of the program is to strengthen foreign language instruction at U.S. colleges, universities, and some high schools, while providing future teachers from abroad the opportunity to refine their skills, increase their English language proficiency, and expand their knowledge of U.S. society and culture.  FLTA fellows must return to their home countries upon completion of their programs to teach English at the secondary or university level.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

7 Beauty Tips That Make Your Hair Younger And Healthier

#1. An anti-ageing hair regimen
easy beauty tips to get younger looking hair hair products
With age, hair strands become thin, flat, frizzy and brittle, which makes your face look dull. But with the advanced range of products available in the market these days, it is now possible to keep your hair protected from all these signs of ageing. In fact, a lot of companies offer deep conditioners, hair renewal therapies and spa treatments. These products must be chosen considering the ingredients, brand and the results that you seek. For best results, try products containing caffeine, panthenol and niacinamide.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Home Remedies for Damaged and Dry Hair

Repair damage with an avocado

Repair damage with an avocadoISTOCK/THINKSTOCK
Mash a ripe avocado (pit removed) with one egg, then apply this home remedy to wet hair. Avocados are rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and minerals that will help restore luster to your hair, says Stephen Sanna, expert colorist at the Pierre Michel Salon in New York City. Leave on for at least 20 minutes, then rinse several times. Repeat once a week for damaged hair and once a month for healthy hair.

6 Hair Conditioner Mistakes

Mistake #1: Not keeping your hair type in mind.
Everyone's hair is different. You need to keep in mind your hair's texture, dryness, length, thickness, and level damage when using any product. For example, if you have colored hair (and want to maintain it), you may need something more specific. "Pantene Expert Collection AgeDefy and Advanced Keratin Repair Conditioners are among the products I like for my permanently colored hair," says Dr. Birnur Aral, director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Beauty Lab. Ask your stylist for recommendations on which product (and how much of it) would work for you — and don't be afraid to change things up. When looking for a new conditioner, Aral reminds shoppers to read label directions carefully, too.

Saturday 31 December 2016

Tips for Softer Natural Hair

A big concern among naturals, especially those with tighter textures, is brittle or hard hair. How does one attain softer hair? Here are six things that may help!


One primary way to achieve softer hair is to make sure that you stay properly hydrated. This is where it all begins. Our hair follicles/scalp feed off of what we take in our bodies which is why it’s so important to drink plenty of water in addition to eating healthy if you’re trying to attain healthy hair. Sufficient water intake is the first step towards hair that is soft and manageable.

8 Reasons Your Hair STOPPED Growing

Sometimes it only seems like your natural hair has completely stopped growing. But the truth is kinky, coily and Afro-textured hair is the most fragile hair type of all, which also makes it the most easily susceptible to damage and breakage. Although individual hair strands are constantly continually in a growth cycle, there are some reasons why it may appear that your hair growth has been stunted or has completely ceased from growing, period.

plans to follow to achieve healthier hair

We plan for a lot of things in our life. So why not follow a plan to achieve healthier hair? 

Start by washing every other day at first, and keep stretching it out with more days in between until your oils really start to weigh your hair down. Our hair experts also suggest using a gentle shampoo with minimal conditioner or not using conditioner at all. If it’s hard to comb out your hair then it’s fine to use conditioner, but put it on the tips only.
Deep-conditioning is essential but you only need to do one every four to five weeks. And, you don’t need to buy a fancy conditioning treatment either. Just put your favorite heavy-duty conditioner on your dry hair. Wrap your hair in a plastic bag to trap the heat, and then wrap a towel around the bag and your head. Give it a full half an hour to soak in before rinsing it out. (It takes about 30 minutes to penetrate the hair, so leaving it on longer won’t make that much more of a difference.)


1. You’re using way too much moisturizing cream, which can weigh your hair down.
Instead, squeeze a pea- to quarter-size amount of the hydrating leave-in formula onto one of your palms, and then rub your two hands together like you would hand cream. That way when you apply it, the product goes through evenly and actually coats more strands.
2. You only spritz your hair a few times with heat protector after you towel dry.
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