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Tuesday 3 January 2017

6 Hair Conditioner Mistakes

Mistake #1: Not keeping your hair type in mind.
Everyone's hair is different. You need to keep in mind your hair's texture, dryness, length, thickness, and level damage when using any product. For example, if you have colored hair (and want to maintain it), you may need something more specific. "Pantene Expert Collection AgeDefy and Advanced Keratin Repair Conditioners are among the products I like for my permanently colored hair," says Dr. Birnur Aral, director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Beauty Lab. Ask your stylist for recommendations on which product (and how much of it) would work for you — and don't be afraid to change things up. When looking for a new conditioner, Aral reminds shoppers to read label directions carefully, too.

Mistake#2: Applying conditioner scalp first.

According to Evo Scrivo senior colorist and educator Meri Kate O'Connor, you should start at the bottom where your hair is the driest, oldest and most damaged and then work your way up. If you put it at the top first, you risk "making your scalp and roots oily," warns O'Connor.

Mistake#3:  Working it unevenly throughout your hair.

When you're in a rush in the morning, it's easy to just slab some on and rinse. But for some hair types, it may be tougher to work conditioner all the way through your hair with just your fingers. Aral recommends using a wide tooth comb to distribute the conditioner so it moisturizes throughout, especially if you have thick hair or curls. 

Mistake #4: Not thoroughly rinsing it out.

When you neglect to properly rinse your shampoo and conditioner, you run the risk of clogging hair follicles, creating buildup along the scalp, and dulling its shine. Spend a few extra moments on rinsing it all out, particularly if you have thick or wavy hair.

Mistake #5: Rinsing immediately.

Conditioner is like moisturizer for your hair, so it needs a little bit of time to work its magic. Aim to leave it in for a minute or two before rinsing. Coat your hair, shave your legs, use a body scrub, contemplate life for a few beats, and then rinse.

Mistake #6: Skipping it all together.

If you think you don't need conditioner, think again. Using the right type for your hair can do so much for improving your hair's softness and smoothness and how well it holds a style. "Everyone's hair is damaged — the only question is how badly," says Cheri McMaster, senior research and development scientist for Pantene. You may go through many conditioners before you find the right one, but you'll know when you've met your match. 


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