Honey: Oh so sweet for an itchy scalp
Honey is however great for many reasons and some may apply to hair. One study on dandruff treatment gave some great insights into this (Eur J Med Res 2001, pg 306-308,2001). They used a mix of 90% crude honey in water applied on the affected area and left for 3 hours. They showed that honey
1. Stopped itching in one week
2. Stopped scaling in one week
3. Skin lesions (places where the skin had been cut) healed within 2 weeks
4. Patients thought that hair loss associated with the dandruff had improved
5. Honey treated patients showed no relapse after 6 months
Honey is thought to do this because
1. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties
2. It has antioxidant properties
So there we go, honey is good stuff!
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