7 Effective Solutions For Head Lice
Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are anyone’s nightmare. Adults can get head lice too but the problem is much more common among children because their games often involve close contact.
Lice don’t cause any sort of infection or disease they are just a very annoying parasite.
How Are Lice Transferred From Person To Person?
One would normally get lice from someone if you share something that the lice have latched on to. Sharing things, for example:
How Do You Know You or Your Child Has Lice?
Intense itching on the back of your head or around the neck area. Apparently this itching happens when the lice bite and suck blood out of the scalp.
How Do You Identify Lice?
These suckers are tiny and they crawl very fast so they can be pretty hard to spot.
The easiest way to identify their location is to look out for little white eggs (nits) using a good light. If you have dark hair or dark skin these white eggs will obviously stand out more than if you have light hair and skin.
Lice vs. Dandruff
Unhatched eggs (nits) are darker in colour and become white when the eggs hatch. This process takes 7 to 11 days after being laid. White, hatched eggs stick to hair when you try to remove them unlike dandruff, which can be more easily flicked or washed out.
How To Get Rid of Head Lice
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