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Saturday 17 December 2016

Taking Care Of Natural Hair Under A Weave Or A Wig

One of the biggest mistakes girls make is thinking that their hair can be entirely forgotten about just because they wear a weave or a wig. Neglecting the hair under a weave or a wig is a recipe for a mega disaster!

You still need to wash your hair every 7 to 10 days to ensure that it doesn't get very dry and hence easy to break when you unplait the cornrows.

How to wash hair if you have a weave or a wig
  • If you have a wig, take it off before washing your hair
  • Get two applicator bottles with pointed tips, the pointed tip makes it easy to reach the hair 
  • Dilute the shampoo in one applicator bottle; diluting the shampoo ensures that it's easily rinsed out. 
Think about it this way, hand wash rids your hands of germs and lotion keeps them soft but if you were to immerse your hands in a tub of hand wash (essentially detergent) or lotion for a prolonged period of time would your hands be clean or soft?

Nope, the skin would be softened, raw and vulnerable. The same theory applies to your hair. Shampoo and conditioner need to be rinsed out thoroughly!
  • If you use a very watery shampoo anyway, e.g. some of the Aubrey Organics range, you can apply it neat.
  • Dilute the conditioner in the other applicator bottle and once the shampoo is fully rinsed out apply the conditioner, squeeze it into your hair, rub the scalp a little (not too roughly) and rinse it out.

How to avoid tangling your weave as you wash your hair
To avoid getting your weave all tangled, wash your hair standing up in a shower or sitting in the tub so the strands flow down your back. If you wash your hair bent over a tub your weave will flow down your face during the wash and then down your back when you stand up again, this movement will encourage tangling.

Drying hair under a weave
  • If you'll be wearing a wig let the hair dry before putting it back on;
  • If you've got a weave let it dry fully before tying it up or wearing any head gear (hats, scarves etc.)
  • If you don't let it dry properly at best it will just get smelly at worst you'll have mould and all sorts of nasty stuff growing in that warm, dark environment!


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